Monday, July 11, 2011

Long time no blog!

   Havent wrote on here forever!! SO much has been going on ry has been growing so big and so fast each and every day but I will write more about that in her own little blog. The 4th of July just passed and we had a fun time! Had a party with good friends. Also went to a parade and fireworks and it was miss ryleighs first. She was awake all day and loved all of it! We also just took ryleigh on her first zoo trip! And she loved it. She looked at all the animals in amazement. It melts my heart to see her growing each and everyday.

  Things have been amazing lately as normal. I know people probably dont believe us when we say we love each other so much but its true. Every couple has their moments. But Im so thankful to have ed in my life. I truly believe we were ment for each other and brought together for a reason. I think theres times when everyone has thought they have found their "one" but really I know for me I soon saw what I thought was a good relationship really wasnt and I deserved much more and thats when ed came. I hear about men getting physical and I could never ever imagine him raising a hand at me what so ever. And I feel like ppl more and more take marriage as a joke. And to marriage isnt just a paper I could care less about that. Marriage to me made us as a whole were now one. I love him more then life its self. And I wish I could even begin to explain to him how I feel but there truly are no words for how amazing he is to me and his beautiful daughter we love you

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Letter to Ryleigh

I have a notebook that I write to ryleigh I have done this since I was pregnant and still do. But I want to write one on here also.

  To my dear sweet baby girl,
  You have changed our lives forever more then you will ever know. From the minute I found out I was pregnant I loved you. You make me so very happy each and everyday and I love seeing how you grow and your learning so many things. Every morning when I go and get you up you crack a huge smile as I say good morning sweetie and that makes my whole day. Everything you do makes me so happy. I love when you get up from a nap and you still have sleepy eyes and I pick you up and you just cuddle on me. You hold on to my shirt like you never want me to leave. I never knew I could love someone so much. The feeling is nothing I can put into words. I promise to always be the best mommy to you. Im so thankful God has gave us you. Its the best gift ever. I love you with all that I have and Im so very proud to be your momma. You have my heart forever.

Love you forever and always Mommy

Saturday, June 11, 2011

So I just need to vent. Im so tired of hearing about people and how they dont have money. Ok like I understand people have hard times and I know kids are expensive. But sitting on your facebook and saying how you have no gas no food no nothing to do anything fun is annoying. Plus on top of it seems like they mooch off other people to do stuff with their kids. Okay so you dont have money why go all over facebook and tell everyone to me you want them to feel bad. And if for some reason I was in that place I would find something fun for me kids to do. And why would you want them growing up stressing with you about not having money? Freaking do crafts go outside do something instead of bitch. And I think if you need help then you deff should use it. Thats what its used for. BUT theres a fine line between that and abusing the damn system. Maybe Ohio should change their ways of how you get welfare. They will pay for you to go to school so why not? Theres a difference between needing help and living off of it. If you lost your job or something happens then fine but for years is a little crazy. I dont care if ppl get pissed over this is crazy to me. Grow up! The End :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

"We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets." -Marilyn Monroe

  I havent got a chance to write everyday. Now that I have time I can update. I thought this quote fit today since people believe the world will end. Honestly Im not going to lie it does scare me. I wouldnt be telling the truth if I said the thought of everything gone doesnt scare me. But do I think it will happen right now? No. Reasoning being God said only he will know the day and hour it will happen. Not even Jesus will know till the day of.  I personally do not want to live everyday of my life worrying. Why? What for? Does it get me any where? Absolutly not. People love to see other people scared and get worked up. This was suppose to happen how many times before. What was suppose to happen at midnight for new years in 2000? I will say though it makes me see even more how much I love my family and friends. I miss them so much! And also makes me see how truly blessed I am to having an amazing husband who would give me the world if he could. We also have an amazing beautiful healthy baby. Who makes me happy each and everyday and I love seeing her grow. So to wrap this subject up Im going to keep living and not worry.

  Ryleigh is growing up so much and so fast! Im trying to take it all in as much as possible and enjoy this time I have with her. They are only babies for so long and seems like that stage goes so fast! Its weird I feel like Ive been a mom forever and I have this down pretty good but she only 3 months. She now is rolling over! She will even try to roll over when shes on my chest. Its like ill show you mom lol. Shes so darn cute. Shes seems like she is finally getting some kind of hair! Just light.

 Starting to June 1st ed is off for 6 days! Only 6 but itll be nice to be the 3 of us spending time together. And I know that he really needs a break from work. Were getting our pictures done. And maybe getting our fishing license so fishing maybe a day or to. Which be nice and relaxing. And would like to spend another day pulling weeds and putting in some pretty flowers. Which cant wait for. Also June 2 nd is our anniversary! we will be married one year! Already I cant even believe it. Its so amazing. Hes truly my best friend.

 Im so excited for all of Ryleighs first coming up! July 4th is right around the corner. Ed gets off that day and 2 days after. So we decided to have ppl over and hopefully if the weather is nice grill out then all go to fireworks. Which will be so fun!! And then fall will be here before we know it! First thanksgiving and Halloween and Christmas! We LOVE Halloween and I cant wait to dress her up. So many exciting things going on! Were hoping to make it back home August. As long as eds leave gets approved. Which is excting so she can meet everyone! Ahh feels good to catch up on writing lol. xoxo mel

Friday, May 13, 2011

Been a while

 I haven't got the chance to write in here in a while. Its been busy around here! Been enjoying outside a lot when the weather is nice and not raining. Ryleigh is getting so big. I cant believe she is 3 months today! I get emotional over it. Mainly bc when I was nine weeks pregnant they were telling me it was looking like I had a miscarriage. And now look shes 3 months nice and healthy. She makes my whole day. My first mothers day was nice and relaxing. Ryleigh got me a card that made me cry. And I was hinting around that Ive been wanting a key necklace forever. And I also wanted something that was Ryelighs birthstone. But with her being due so close to end of Feb I kept saying my luck I would get something and her be a week late and born in march. So I got a key necklace and the top of the key is her birthstone. I love it. Its so amazing being  a mom. It truly is the best feeling. The love I have for her is something I cant even put into words. She means the world to me. Of course my husband also lol. On April 30th we have been dating for a year already . Even though we have known each other for a lot longer then that. And on June 2nd we have been married for a year and I cant believe it! It has went so fast and I'm so thankful for everything. I'm glad I found the person I'm ment to be with forever. Its the most amazing feeling. Whats funny other relationships seem to die down after some time. But not ours. I still miss him to pieces everyday when he goes to work. I still have that butterfly feeling when he says something sweet to me. My heart still melts when he says I love you to me. Its the best feeling in the world. I look at myself today and where I am in life and I could not be happier. I have a wonderful family who I get to spend everyday with.  People think when you become a wife and parent your life is over like no more fun. But me I don't think that at all. We do family things together and that to me is fun. I wouldn't change it for the world!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bday Blues

 Tomorrow is my birthday :) Ill be 22 an old woman! lol. But its not even a big deal to me. Theres nothing big I want to do and I didn't ask for anything from hubby. I just want to relax tomorrow and were cooking steak on the grill. But I think after 21 its kind of like ok well no biggy till my 30th b day lol. I'm happy thought bc they switched eds days. He only worked 2 days this week anyway but it was set up funny. So now he worked yesterday and works today then he is off for 4 whole days! And he isn't on call this is much needed family time! I think I'm also thinking my birthday isn't a big deal because we have so much other things going on that's going to fun and exciting! On the 30th we will be together a year! (married a year in June) The time has gone so fast! This weekend they have Holland Happenings and theres a parade and street fair so we will be doing that on Saturday. It'll be a lot of fun! Friday is our day to grocery shop and laundry blah BUT instead I get the best Mother's day gift ever! Ryleigh and I are doing a Mommy and me session. The photographer does amazing pictures and I'm so excited to capture this time with her. She's my world. It's also suppose to be so nice out Sat and Sun and that will be very nice. Sunday we were going to do the Zoo esp since its nice but now I'm not 100% sure because we have such a busy week already! Can't wait!!

 Our Easter was very nice. We went to church on base ryleigh was very good and we got so nice comments on how cute she is. The service was very nice. We saw another Corpsman Ed works with and invited him over to eat dinner. And another corpsman that Ed went threw boot and school and now stationed together came too. And my brother in law invited another couple and their baby. All though 3 of the people were last minute we didn't care at all. This is how I see it we have the food anyway and everyone is friends why would anyone want to be alone on any holiday? I wouldn't want to be. So we came home and did ryry's basket. We pulled everything out one by one and we made it such a big production so she looked at us like really mom and dad but then started smiling; Then the boys got put to work they peeled and diced potatoes for home made mashed potatoes which I was so thankful for because I HATE doing that. Dinner was so amazing! My brother in law after cleaned the kitchen and did dishes didn't even have to ask him and it was very nice. It was nice having our family and our military family. Very blessed!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


 Tomorrow is RyRy's first Easter. And it's also Ed n I. I'm so excited. Everything is different when you have your own little family. I love it so much!
 We gave her some stuff early a few weeks ago and her pink basket with yellow grass is all ready to go for tomorrow! Can't wait! We plan on going to church here on base. As long as Ryleigh is in a good mood lol. She decides everything. Then come home to give her her basket and eat dinner. Yummy! We also wrote a letter to the Easter Bunny (well momma did) and I wrote one back from the Easter bunny. I know she will never remember any of this but one day she can look back on it. I know ill be taking tons and tons of pictures and everything like cards and the notes I wrote ill be putting in a scrap book for her. I want to do these things so she can look back at em. It doesn't matter if she is only 2 months it means a lot to me.